Yosemite Drafting & Design

Modern Residential Building Design

Title 24 Energy Compliance Analysis and Compliance Services
What is Title 24?

Created to develop energy efficiency standards to ensure new and existing building achieve energy efficiency
and preserve outdoor and indoor environment quality..

In 1970's it became clear that California needed to reduce the energy consumption and to reduce the impacts to the environment.   The State Legislature passed Warren Alquist State Energy Resources Conservation and Development  Act.  It grew out of a battle over power plant siting.  It  marked a historic compromise between the utilities and environmentalists. The Energy Commission  was to develop and maintain energy efficiency standards for new buildings under the Public Resources Code (Section 250402).  This section of the code is referred to as the Warren Alquist Act.  read more...

Purpose of Title 24

Energy Savings - Electricity Reliability and Demand - Comfort - Economics - Environment - Global Warming

Building Energy Efficiency Standards 2019
Performance Method

  • The building envelope for Zone 12:

  • Roof: R-38 + R19 insulation. High performance Roofs are now required for specific Heating and Cooling Equipment configurations.

  • Roof: Radiant Barrier Required

  • Walls: 2 x 6 construction R-21 + R-5 insulation. Performance calculations will change the possibilities depending on the compliance calculation. The wall assembly shall meet a U-factor of 0.48.

  • Floors: Slab - no insulation required.  A perimeter R-5 board insulation is required in Zone 16.

  • Raised foundation: R-19 insulation remains.

  • Windows: Max U-Factor  0.30.

  • SHGC 0.23.

  • Mechanical Ventilation required.

  • Electric Resistance heaters are not allowed.

  • Mini-Split HVAC systems, in most cases, will also require a minimum of 3kw of Solar to meet compliance.